George Bush courageously led the country when it was on its knees after 9/11...Obama and his marxist minions intend to put the country back on its knees and keep it there
Okay, fact is Obama has surrounded himself with people like the self avowed communist Van Jones, Anita Dunn and Valerie Jarrett who believe that Chairman Mao was the cat's meow in fact they even put a Christmas ornament with this picture on their Christmas tree, people like Hugo Chavez and Castro are right in line with their ideology. From the time Obama was a little boy he has been surrounded by people who hate everything that America ever stood for especially the founding principles, people like Mark Davis Wilson his boyhood mentor and radical criminals bombers like Bill Ayers and his outfit, racist preacher Rev. Wright etc. etc. etc.
Marxism was revolutionary but this pack of radicals are progressives their approach is more evolutionary but the goal is still the same they just take different routes to get there.
I'm sorry but the Facts are the Facts!
Another fact, the American people didn't know anything about this guy when they voted for him the media failed miserably in objectively vetting this guy but instead became his cheer leading squad and the result was the American people got a warm and fuzzy relief from their self perceived white guilt being totally taken in by a charismatic empty suit with promises of hope and change that were never explicit so they bought a pig in a poke and the Marxist to boot.
They're spending millions to keep Obama's records secret, why? The short answer is there is something there they don't want the people to know, but if you got in your car one morning and it smelled like rotten fish would you keep driving or look under the seat?
Michelle Obama was never proud of America until her husband won his candidacy for President. This places her square in the Blame America First crowd. She also makes vague references to "hope" and "change" and "moving in that direction" and unifying around certain issues.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the President's pastor for 20 years, whose disdain for America, or at least certain parts of it , calling her all the disgusting things that he did!Wright also slammed Hillary Clinton, categorizing her as a "rich white person" who "ain't never been called a n-----" . Further, he reveals his disappointment but not his surprise at the President's refusal to speak with him, blaming "them Jews" for this decision.
Bottom line: Wright connects racism, antisemitism, and hatred for America with the President.