Former Vice President Dick Cheney Sunday shot back directly at Vice President Joe Biden’s assertion that success in Iraq will be one of the Obama administration’s great achievements, calling it “a little strange.”
Chuckling after he was read Biden’s statement, Cheney said, “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by my friend Joe Biden.”
“I’m glad he now believes Iraq is a success,” Cheney said on ABC's "This Week," adding that Biden and President Obama campaigned criticizing the Bush administration on Iraq and opposed the surge. “For them to try and take credit for what happened in Iraq strikes me as a little strange," Cheney said.
If the Obama administration is going to take credit for the draw down of troops and democratic government in Iraq, Cheney said, it should come with “a healthy dose of thank you George Bush,” because those changes are “in accordance to the timetable that we initiated.”
Cheney, responding to Biden's comments in an interview on NBC's “Meet the Press” taped Saturday, said his replacement as vice president was “dead wrong” to say another terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 is unlikely.
A nuclear attack, or one similar to 9/11, is “the biggest strategic threat” facing the United States, Cheney said.Cheney continues to show he can out think, out talk, and outclass any pathetic smear thrown at him by Obama or Joe Biden. It's so refreshing to hear an adult speak.
The clueless Obama crew is beneath contempt.
Cheney has fought many political battles, but the one to keep Obama from totally killing our security may be the most important. In a sane world, Dick Cheney would be president of the U.S., not the Zero, Barack Obama